Workout and rest: how to sleep better?

Workout and rest: how to sleep better?

Many university research with focus on rest have defined the relationship this has with meals and workout.
Research has shown that when we are tired, the possibility of eating unhealthy foods increases. Generally people who sleep little tend to gain about 300 calories more than the average.

Improving the quality of your rest is therefore a crucial factor in losing weight and staying fit.

Research shows how moving more, exercising regularly, contributes significantly to improving rest. However, the body needs at least 4 months to get used to change.
It is to be said that an intense workout can cause some difficulty falling asleep because the stimulated nervous system slows down relaxation. To avoid this situation it would be advisable to finish training at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Muscles recover full functionality during a rest period, or “grow” during the night. The longer you sleep, the longer muscles have to recover.

Sleeping with serenity is not always easy, but even then exercise can help. Making 10,000 steps a day is a great way to get away from stress, get tired and sleep better in the evening.