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How to start going to work by bike

For all those who at least once have thought “I could go to work by bike today”, here are practical tips to get rid of doubts and fears and start biking every morning.

Often we stumble upon the false belief that with the car it takes much less time to get to work because maybe they are “just five minutes”. But many times the reality is quite different, because if it is true that home-work distance is so short it is also true that parking is an operation that can mean far more than “5 minutes”.
By bicycle, the parking problem is completely avoided and the home-work travel time is maximized.

Other false beliefs that inhibit the will to go to work by bike are:

1) I will arrive to work all sweaty: even in the summertime it is difficult to start sweating if the distance to travel is less than 5 km.
2) I do not know how to ride a bike anymore: if you’re a bit rusty on the pedals, do not worry, once you’ve learned, you’ll never forget to ride a bicycle. You will return very well in a short time.
3) Among the cars it is too dangerous: to use the bike in the city involves risks, it is inevitable, but no longer goes falling down the stairs. When you are on the road remember to always signal your movements clearly and use the bike paths as much as possible.

A crucial step to be taken before you start is to find the bike that suits your size and shape. No matter whether new or used, expensive or low-priced, racing, city or foldable … it must be perfect for your needs!
This also means the needs outside of working time such as shopping or carrying the gym handbag.

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