Review of the bike before a journey

Review of the bike before a journey

When we decide to go on a bicycle trip, the perfect operation of the chosen vehicle is of fundamental importance. If you are assured of starting with the right bicycle, adjusted to our measurements and carefully revised, the risk of getting into some trouble during the trip is minimized.

Making a complete review of the bike is a commitment of about 2 hours, but if we consider the hours we will be moving during your vacation and the annoyances that you can avoid along the way, it’s definitely a good time spent.

After securing the bike to a tripod so you can reach any of its components, you can start checking. The following steps:

1) Control of air chambers
It is necessary to check the level of wear of the air chambers on both wheels and, if necessary, to replace them.

2) Control of the rays
Once the wheel is disassembled, you can check the tension of all the rays, pinching them with your thumb (as if it were a harp). A loose beam vibrates for longer.
If you find more than two or three loose spokes, you will need to be helped by a mechanic to re-enter the wheel.

3) Checking gearshift cables
The cables must be intact, without any signs of rust or sagging, and must flow smoothly into the sleeves. Idle, cold, and wet can wear these components over time, if the situation is not recoverable, they will be replaced.

4) Control of rake cable
It is essential that the cable is able to maintain the proper tension. If the brake lever is soft it means the cable is no longer in use and must be replaced.

5) Checking the skid
Skid too smooth or too wrinkled are synonymous of extreme wear, in both cases they will have to be replaced.

6) Steering series slider control and hubs
Steering columns and hubs must work smoothly, if turning the handlebar or pedaling a metal beam or the motion is not fluid, a revision must be made.

7) Chain control
The bicycle chain is subject to wear to a greater extent than other components because it is wet and exposed to mud and rain. When the chain teeth slim down to reach a toe shape it’s time to buy a new chain. Once installed, lubricate it properly.

Very important is also the adjustment of the gearbox, so you can also rely on a mechanic, and the control of all clamps. This means checking the correct position of all the screws that, due to the vibrations to which they are subjected, may loosen.