Possibilities of bicycle touring in Spain

Possibilities of bicycle touring in Spain

When planning to organize a bicycle holiday, Spain is not the first place to jump into the mind. Certainly here is the famous Pilgrimage of Santiago,

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When planning to organize a bicycle holiday, Spain is not the first place to jump into the mind. Certainly here is the famous Pilgrimage of Santiago, which is visited every year by thousands of pilgrims on foot or by bicycle, but cycling is not widespread.

This was some time ago, the country has made giant steps to encourage bike tourism and it is no longer rare to meet cyclists in big cities. Bicycle routes have multiplied as well as the “vias verdes”, the bike lanes obtained from the upgrading of old railways.

Italy is connected to Spain by the Eurovelo 8 bicycle route, so you can reach it directly by bike. The alternatives are obviously by train, plane or ferry from Civitavecchia and Livorno.

Spain is a rather arid country, surrounded by mountain ranges, but if you plan the route well you can make a wonderful trip.
The best times to start are certainly the spring and fall.

The possibilities for cycling in Spain are now many. The major cities in the country have developed an efficient cycle track system that allows you to easily explore the center and surroundings. In Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid you can also take advantage of the local bike sharing service.

Traveling opportunities are also not lacking. Particularly suitable for this kind of bicycle touring are Andalusia (between Seville, Cordoba and Granada) and the Basque region.

The Canary Islands are another important place for cyclists: as winter is in practice never arrive, they can be explored all year long even on mountain bikes.