How to make less effort by bicycle

How to make less effort by bicycle

Cadel-Evans-TiredPedaling consumes energy, but it’s not just this that tires the cyclist:
the force of gravity, air resistance, the friction of the tires, the search for balance, the type of route chosen, are all elements that contribute to fatigue. It’s also necessary to consider the climate and personal factors that anticipate the sense of fatigue.

During the pedal you experience three types of fatigue:

– cardio-respiratory: increased number of beats, of blood pressure and of oxygen consumption.
– muscular: lactic acid production in response to energy consumption.
– sensory: all the senses of the body are involved in the stress, which affects the nervous system.

In short, cycling is a sport of resistance that in the long run will tired the body, but putting some TIPS into practice we may well postpone the fatigue arise.

The most important thing is to choose a frame of your own size. Pedaling on a bicycle too big or too small, in fact, increases the dispersion of energy considerably. As for the tires, carefully choose the tessellation according to the type of soil and keeping them under pressure. Let’s not forget to lubricate the metal parts of the bike to avoid annoying frictions.

On bikes, it’s essential to pedal smoothly and without weights on the shoulders (bags or backpacks), the best thing is to use a ratio that allows between 90 and 100 pedals per minute: you lose a bit on metric development but you save energy. It’s also important to push on the pedals consistently throughout the whole of the ride (pedaling round) so as not to tire your legs. Unless you are very trained, it’s also a good idea to avoid getting up on the pedals and swaying your body over the bike tube since, for that, you use and tire many muscles.

The most important thing to keep our body healthy is to drink in small sips and frequently (not just when the thirst comes) to keep it moisturized. As for food, it is preferable not to fill up too much yourselves before or after pedaling.
Experts also recommend doing stretching, yoga or pilates before riding the bike to improve muscle flexibility (stretching the muscles) and thus reducing energy consumption and post-pedal pain.