Cyclist’s shopping list

Cyclist’s shopping list

To keep fit the activity on the bike needs to be accompanied by a proper nutrition that guarantees the energy necessary to cycle without however weighing the body.
Following a balanced diet is therefore crucial. How to start?
Healthy eating is much easier if we only have healthy food at home.
Below is a list of ingredients that should never be missing in the cyclist’s shopping list.

1.Legumes – lentils, peas, chickpeas and beans
Both dried and in jars, they are rich in vegetable and fiber proteins. They also have a low glycemic index which helps to prevent diabetes.

2.Dried fruit – nuts, almonds
Great as a snack between one meal and another instead of packed snacks with sugars. It is rich in fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

An extremely versatile food that contains all 9 essential amino acids. They are also a concentrate of vitamins.

4.Garlic and onion
Onion contains essential oils and sulfur compounds. Sulphides are also found in garlic and have beneficial effects throughout the body. They protect against bacterial diseases and decrease the risk of contracting cancer.

A great potassium source with very few calories

6.Red fruits
Although frozen they are rich in vitamins and minerals.

7.Flax seed
They are foods rich in soluble fiber, protein and omega 3. Also in the form of oil, they help to promote intestinal balance. The oil should be kept in a refrigerator and never heated, only use it for raw cold dishes.

Sugary fruits rich in fiber and potassium. They help digestion and are perfect to gain energy before a workout.

9.Spinach, curly kale and rocket
They contain a lot of nutrients and immediately make us feel satiated without taking many calories.

Rich source of fibers with a low glycemic index.

11.Natural yogurt
The white, without aromas or fruit, contains live bacteria that promote the balance of intestinal flora. It is also a great source of protein.

12.Dark chocolate
Two or three pieces can satisfy the sweet taste by avoiding taking too much calories. Cocoa is characterized by its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

13.Green tea
It contains catechin, an element responsible for good humor, correct metabolism and rest. It also promotes weight loss.