Cyclist diet: a balance between carbs, proteins and fats

Cyclist diet: a balance between carbs, proteins and fats

To have a healthy and active lifestyle is very important to exercise, but it is equally important to follow a balanced diet. Each workout must be matched to a proper, healthy diet that provides the athlete the right energy to handle physical activity. Only workout is not enough for the body to benefit from the benefits of exercise, it is also necessary to provide the nutrients it needs.

Really, our body works like a machine: it needs the right fuel to run. The fuel of our body is carbohydrates.
According to some studies, daily portion of carbohydrate should be between 6 and 10 grams per kilogram of weight, about 50 percent of daily energy. This amount varies depending on sex, training level, aims. To get energy from carbohydrates, our body transforms them into glucose and stores it in the muscles. Simple carbohydrates (sugar, white flour) should be avoided in favor of complex carbohydrates (rice, sweet potatoes, oats, legumes) that are richer in fiber.

Proteins are as important as carbohydrates. They help in the construction and repair of cells and tissues, they are important for the transport of molecules and for the defense of our body. Proteins are made up of amino acids, elements that can not be naturally produced by the body and are fundamental to a balanced diet.
Are quality protein sources: eggs, milk, lean meat, fish, cereals, legumes. To limit the consume of saturated fat and cholesterol contained in animal proteins, it is necessary to balance the consume of animal and vegetal proteins.

Fat is the richest source of energy for our body, but be careful to absorb it in small quantities. About 30% of all energy should be supplied by fat-rich foods, not only to have the energy needed but also because the fat serves to protect the organs and is needed to absorb the liposoluble vitamins. Fat also contains the essential fatty acids that are needed for the production of hormones and the construction of cell walls.
Fats and unsaturated fatty acids, such as vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, are preferable to animal fat and saturated fats.