Cycling and mental training

Cycling and mental training

Cycling is a tough sport that requires tremendous muscular effort, but also and above all on a psychological level… because it’s the mind that commands the body.
Much workout isn’t enough to deal with kms and miles on pedals, very important are also the motivation and personal determination which we carry around in every bicycle exit.

A focused mind is the key to achieving the goals we set for ourselves. This is what allows and exhausted body to continue pushing on the pedals. Conversely, a weak, confused mind is capable of compromising even the most trained athlete’s performances.

Unlike what you can believe, even the mind can be “trained”: it takes perseverance and commitment.

Cycling requires a particularly developed mental strength, especially in the case of amateur cyclists, who have to conciliate work, family and workout.

We have already said commitment and perseverance, we see other positive features of the mind that help us achieve great results:

  • Patience – know how to wait for the results by increasing your workout load at a time. You don’t reach your goals overnight, you have to be constant and have patience.
  • Discipline – observe gym exercise and pedal training planning.
  • Desire – have passion. Needless to train “just to”, only if it’s what you want intimately your mind will be determined and ready to support you in the hardest moments.
  • Self-esteem – believe in your potential.
  • Positive attitude – don’t give up, but rather, learning from defeats. Optimism is an element of great help in sports.

Of course, each of these features is related to the others. To get better, you have to first understand yourselves, so, try to look at the aspects where you are deficient and get involved yourselves.
Become master of your mind to face every climb, every race, every trip!