Accessories not to be missed for cyclotourism

Accessories not to be missed for cyclotourism

Cicloturismo_ChileTo secure you an adventurous and fun trip on your bicycle for cyclotourism, it is essential to get ready. You will avoid any inconvenience along the way and you will enjoy the journey completely. The right equipment depends on many factors: the time you intend to stay outside, the destination, the type of accommodation and of course your personal habits. Below is a list of useful accessories for cyclotourists.

Bags or Trailer?
Where place your luggage?

Side bags
– Good bicycle maneuverability
– Ease of transport by hand and accommodation in both tent and hotel
– possibility to divide the baggage in sections

– greater weight to be transported uphill
– poor visibility in the street

– high load capacity
– maximum visibility in the street

– poor maneuverability in curves
– difficulty accommodation in tent

Front side bags: useful in increasing load capacity. It should be considered that they further reduces the maneuverability of the bike and weigh it down considerably. They are only recommended for very long journeys.

Handlebar-frame-saddle bags: can be used instead of side bags but their load capacity is very low. It is therefore advisable to use it only for short trips

Elastic strings, however, are not to be missed if you need to tie other luggage over your backpacks like sleeping bags, curtains, and clothes to dry.


Regarding how much and what clothes to bring with you to travel each one is bound to their habits and needs. In general, underwear, being small and little bulky, is easily transportable and washable and for this reason you can carry a change for each day. But in case the trip lasts more than a week, it is advisable to pack 3 or 4 changes and wash them every time. Shirts, pants and jackets can also be worn for several days, always taking into account the personal needs.

Security Accessories
Helmet: of primary importance, especially for those who love running and diving in the descents. It can also be useful for those who have attached to the bike handbags or trolleys, both accessories that destabilize the balance especially in curve. However, the helmet in Italy is not mandatory.

High-visibility jacket: If you want to move even in the dark, it is absolutely necessary to make it visible to cars, trucks and motorbikes circulating on the road. The jacket is mandatory from from sunset to dawn and in the galleries.

Lights: You should you have an anterior and a rear to ensure maximum visibility. That fundamental is the back light, in fact, is on the back where the cars come from, the greatest danger.

Rear-view Mirror: It will allow you to don’t turn around each time to the slightest noise of a car. The best ones are the ones that stick directly to the handlebars and not to the knob. They have a wider surface, are set in perfect position for the cyclotourist and are more firm.


Equipment and spare parts
Part of the luggage should be dedicated to spare parts. How much and to what extent it depends in particular on the destination and on your cyclo-mechanics skills. Before leaving it is in any case useful dusting off your manual skill in repair small damages,
check the presence of specialized centers along the route, know the measurements of your vehicle well (you can avoid to buy the wrong tire or wheel).

Various accessories

  • Anti-theft or quality chain to tie the bicycle
  • 1 or 2 aluminum water bottles to keep the water cool
  • bags to conserve dirty linen
  • first aid kits
  • any camping accessories