A city without cars: reflections on the block to the cars in Milan

A city without cars: reflections on the block to the cars in Milan

The total block to the cars in Milan, an opportunity to see a different face of the city. Milan with the total block to the cars. Silence, peace a

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The total block to the cars in Milan, an opportunity to see a different face of the city.
Milan with the total block to the cars.

Silence, peace and quiet. Bike mobility is more efficient at least of the double; no stress, no traffic, no horn, no exhaust pipes. Some people complain saying that three days of blocking are too many; I complain because they are too few.

Others complain because they say that blocking cars it’s useless; but is it really so?

I complain because people should not complain, but take advantage of the bike to discover a city that has a lot to do and that in days like these has an even more beautiful face.
Continue reading on: http://nerodinchiostro.blogspot.it/2015/12/una-citta-senza-automobili-riflessioni-blocco-auto-milano.html