Cervical neck pain in cycling

Cervical neck pain in cycling

For “Cervical neck pain” we mean a pain located at the height of the neck that can also cause nausea, headache and dizziness. In fact, the “cervical spine” is that part of the spine that supports the skull.

The athlete’s position on the bicycle is characterized by a hyper extension of the neck. The muscles contract to not cede to the force of gravity, but such contraction in the long run causes pain.
The muscles, being rigid, don’t absorb the vibrations transmitted from the ground and this affects some particular nerves and blood vessels that cause the pain.

Cervical pain in cycling is often due to:

  • Errors in the saddle position
    An overly aggressive position, typical of speed disciplines, involves an incorrect projection of the neck that soon becomes unsustainable. Pain can also be caused by wrong measures of the components such as too short handlebar (mountain bikes), a brake lever too low or a saddle regression too much elevated.
  • Driving style errors
    For example, an excessive tension on the saddle (maybe in the most difficult parts to deal with) or a long-lasting neck hypertension (like those who stay in aerodynamic position for too long).
  • Errors in component selection
    Excessively rigid components transfer vibrations and impacts with the ground to the body very clearly, so they can cause pains and inflammations.

To deal with this problem it’s useful to undergo to a full bio-mechanical visit, but if pain persists, it’s good to consult your doctor and take measures.